Six Natural Drinks That Are Even Healthier Than Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is essential. Did you know that there are drinks that are even healthier than water, as they provide maximum hydration to your body and many other benefits. Check it out!
Six natural drinks that are even healthier than water

We all know that water is good for us, but did you know that so are many natural drinks? The earth is made of water, our bodies are made of water… It is of course indispensable for our health. Water is not only necessary for our health, but also for our appearance.

Even healthier than water?

However, the move from conventional medicine towards more traditional medicines and the rise of research in naturopathy has led to the discovery of drinks that are even healthier than water. 

All the following drinks are natural and unprocessed. As you know, processed foods contain substances to improve taste, preservatives or additives to reduce costs. They are all harmful to health.

Discover which natural drinks are healthier than water

Let’s see.

1. Beet juice

Years ago, it was hard to find beets that weren’t sold in a can. However, you can now find them in almost all supermarkets, on the vegetable shelves. Take advantage of this and try this hugely nutritious juice.

Besides being very tasty, they contain:

  • vitamins A, B and C,
  • antioxidants,
  • calcium,
  • amino acids,
  • potassium,
  • magnesium,
  • sugar 
  • water.

Don’t worry about how to make it: it’s just like any other juice. While beets can turn your blender an intense red, it’s easy to clean.

2. Coconut water

coconut water

Our younger readers have probably heard of coconut water, as it is used in survival reality shows on TV, among other things. Participants sometimes survive on coconut water alone, something that really shouldn’t surprise us, as it’s actually a complete food due to its high potassium content. This mineral therefore provides a  much more effective hydration.

You can find it on the shelves of many supermarkets and if not, we recommend visiting a natural food store, health food store or grocery store. What you then get is almost identical to what you would get by opening a coconut.

3. Aloe Vera Water

If there has been a natural rediscovery in the 21st century, it is aloe vera. New powers are discovered every day: from scar healing to lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Thanks to its antioxidant and purifying properties, aloe vera juice is now used to cleanse the intestinal flora and prevent premature cell aging.

If you suffer from constipation, high cholesterol or circulation problems, this drink is for you.

4. Fruit drink healthier than water

cucumber water

We are not talking about juice here. We are talking about adding fruit (or vegetables) to water. The best products for this are:

  • strawberries,
  • watermelon,
  • basil,
  • cucumber
  • blueberries.

The best thing to do is think about what you are looking for and then choose the fruit that best suits your purpose. This also makes drinking water much more enjoyable.

5. Tea

It may be one of the most consumed beverages in the world, but some people are still unaware of its many benefits.

Each flavor offers its own benefits, but these are common to all teas:

  • Prevents, for example, dental problems
  • Also improves circulation
  • Is anti-inflammatory
  • Stops bacterial growth in your body

It is also often part of weight loss diets, especially green tea, which is an excellent detoxifier. It also helps to get rid of fat and toxins in an easy way.

6. Guayusa


This drink is unknown, but that doesn’t make it any less healthy. We are talking about a plant from the Ecuadorian jungle, which is rich in caffeine and theobromine,  which is another stimulant.

The energetic power of the plant is comparable to mate. The chlorogenic acids in guayusa are also very good for your heart.

Guayusa’s energizing potential makes it an interesting way to start the day, even more so than coffee. This stimulant helps burn calories as it speeds up the metabolism.

Burn fat

This is one of the smartest and healthiest ways to lose weight: burns fat through the consumption of foods and natural drinks that improve digestion and metabolism.

Hydrating will never be just another obligation again. Now you know new fun and delicious ways to keep yourself hydrated with drinks that are even healthier than water. With this unique combination of natural drinks, you are one of the few who knows the secret to a much more complete diet to take care of your body.

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