Stop Nail Biting With These Homemade Remedies

Are you a nail biter? These are 7 natural remedies that can help you quit this habit!
Stop biting your nails with these homemade remedies

In this article, we will introduce you to some methods to stop biting your nails. First we give you some information about this tic:

Onychophagia is the medical term for the habit of constantly biting your nails. Boredom, anxiety, nervousness or fear are possible causes of this habit.

It’s not just an aesthetic problem. It can also cause skin infections of the cuticles or fingers. That is why it is so important that you stop biting your nails.

Can I really stop biting my nails?

Onychophagia is most common in boys and men. In general, they are not or less concerned about the appearance of their hands.

This bad habit usually occurs in traumatic or stressful situations. Think of an exam, being unemployed for a while, the death of a loved one, being on an airplane, and so on.

Most people don’t just bite their nails, either. They also bite the soft tissues of the finger and cuticle. This can have many health consequences, such as:

  • Bleeding and wounds
  • Diseases caused by bacteria or fungi
  • Nail deformities
  • Dental problems (degradation of the enamel, cavities)
  • Mouth injuries (ulcers)
  • Stomach problems (when the nails are swallowed)
  • In extreme cases: breathing problems (when a piece of nail is inhaled and ends up in the lungs or gets stuck in the larynx)

Then there is also the matter of appearance. People who bite their nails often hide their hands. They are ashamed or hiding what they are doing.

Try these remedies to avoid biting your nails

Nail biting is difficult to control and is often an unconscious habit. But it can be treated. All you need is a little willpower, some effort and commitment, and some solutions you can make at home.

Let’s take a look at some of those remedies:

1. Drink soothing tea

In health food and health food stores, you can buy herbs that can help reduce your anxiety and nervousness. This will also help you to stop biting your nails.

Usually, stress is the main cause of onychophagia. We recommend using valerian or passion flower in this specific situation.


  • 2 tablespoons of your preferred herb (20 g)
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • Boil the water first and then pour it into a cup.
  • Add the herb and let it steep for five minutes.
  • Then you can filter the mixture.
  • Drink it before it cools down.

2. Chew gum or carrot


It may sound strange, but this is one of the most effective ways to stop biting your nails.

Chewing gum or carrots can reduce the anxiety and stress that can cause you to “attack” your fingers.

We recommend that you use chewing gum without sugar to prevent cavities in your teeth. You can also chew ginger root or licorice root. Keep one of these options handy in case you feel the urge to chew your nails again.

3. Squeeze a stress ball

You can buy stress balls in toy stores. Believe it or not, we’re talking about the same soft balls that people use to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

You can squeeze very hard in these soft balls. It’s a great way to channel your fear or discomfort so you don’t bite your nails.

Keep one with you when you are in a stressful situation.

4. Use bitter oils

Many essential oils have a bitter taste. Therefore, they may be a good way to avoid biting your nails. The best are tea tree oil or neem oil.

They leave a bad taste in your mouth and will make you stop biting your nails.

Put a few drops of the essential oil of your choice on a cotton pad or ball and rub it on your nails.

You will have to repeat this process several times a day, as the oil will absorb into the skin or wear off during the day.

5. Use garlic or lemon

It’s not a problem if you don’t have any essential oils at home. You can replace them with ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen cupboard or fridge.

Lemon, garlic or even pepper can help you get rid of the habit of biting your nails. Some people even rub spicy sauce on their fingers.

Whatever you choose, use it carefully. Make sure no reactions develop in your mouth.

7. Wear gloves

Some people cannot resist the temptation to bite their nails. They even do it when they sleep. In this case, we recommend wearing gloves.

Wear the gloves during those moments when you are not busy and when the temptation is all the stronger.

  • When you watch TV.
  • While reading a book.
  • When you’re sitting at the table chatting after the meal.
  • ‘at night.

8. Follow a diet high in essential fats

If you bite your nails when you are nervous or hungry, we recommend following a diet that is high in vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids.

That will help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. Here’s a list of some foods you should drink or eat more:

  • Milk
  • nuts
  • salmon
  • Oats 

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