Take Inches Off Your Waist With This Tea

If you want to cut inches off your waist, then you can combine cinnamon and bay leaf in addition to targeted exercises to promote fat burning.
Take centimeters off your waist with this tea

Your waist is one of the parts of your body that makes your figure look stunning. Unfortunately for most of us, this is also the part that usually shows weight gain. In today’s article, we’re going to talk about tea to help you get those inches off your waist.

Diet and exercise are the most important things you can change to lose weight. However, many women are still looking for additional techniques to reduce their waistline more easily.

While it all depends on your metabolism and personal commitment, there are some extra tricks that will give you a lift and help you reach your goal faster than you think.

It is very important to understand that you will not see results right away. Permanent changes are required, especially in what you eat.

A flat stomach

Now that you know this, we want to share a special trick that combines two ingredients to help you reduce those annoying extra inches from your waist.

However, always remember: don’t give up! There is a wide range of fat-burning recommendations that can boost your metabolism if you’re trying to lose weight.

Today we want to share with you a recipe for tea with cinnamon and bay leaf. These two ingredients are known for their ability to stimulate detoxification and weight loss.

It’s not a miraculous remedy for cutting inches from your waistline, but the properties listed in this area of ​​the body reduce fat build-up and inflammation. Let’s check them out!

The benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon powder and sticks

Known for its culinary and medicinal uses, cinnamon is a spice rich in certain substances that can help fight obesity.

  • Cinnamon contains important essential oils and antioxidants that can help ‘boost’ your metabolism once absorbed into the body, increasing your ability to burn calories and remove fat.
  • It is low in calories, but its components are very useful for the body.
  • Cinnamon is recommended by some people as a supplement to lower blood sugar.
  • It is cleansing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory. These properties together can help rid your blood of fluids and toxins.

The benefits of laurel

twig with bay leaves

For many years, the laurel tree has been used to improve metabolism and reduce excess fat gain. While not as popular as other plants and herbs, some consider it their best friend when it comes to losing weight and improving digestion.

  • It contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help restore your digestive and intestinal function, making waste easier to remove.
  • Its diuretic properties will eliminate the lipids you retain in the body, a factor directly linked to weight gain.
  • The carminative agents help eliminate gas in your gut, helping you avoid indigestion, feelings of heaviness, and swelling.
  • Calming effects include promoting feelings of well-being and stopping food cravings that lead to overeating.

How do you make this natural tea to take inches off your waist?

The main benefit of tea with cinnamon and bay leaf is to reduce the size of your waist and stomach. However, since it promotes detoxification, it can also contribute to fat loss from any part of your body. The most important thing is that you supplement your normal consumption with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


  • 500 ml water (2 cups)
  • 5 grams ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon)
  • 6 bay leaves
  • 25 grams honey (1 tablespoon) (optional)


  • First, put the cups of water in a pan and bring it to a boil.
  • When it boils, add the cinnamon and bay leaves.
  • Reduce the heat to low, then cover the pan and let it sit for 2 or 3 minutes.
  • Then take it off the heat and wait for it to come to room temperature.
  • When it is suitable for consumption, first sieve it with a fine sieve.

Mode of consumption

  • Drink a cup of tea with cinnamon and bay leaf on an empty stomach.
  • Save the remaining liquid and then repeat in the middle of the afternoon.
  • Then drink this at least three times a week.

Note: Avoid this remedy if you are on medication or undergoing medical treatment. Make sure to avoid this even if you are pregnant or have liver disease.

Did you like this recipe? If you haven’t tried it yet and you’re bothered by those “swimbands” around your waist, do it at home and see the benefits for yourself.

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