The 5 Best Teas For Cough

Mint tea is great for thinning phlegm, lemon is a powerful antibiotic, and thyme is an effective, aromatic herb. Find out all about the 5 best teas for coughs in this article.
The 5 best teas for cough

We wish it weren’t, but unfortunately air pollution is affecting our health. As a result, people begin to suffer from a troublesome cough, which suddenly manifests itself. The cough is also often accompanied by dark-colored mucus.

They are all reactions of your body to something it considers dangerous. That’s why you get cough and phlegm. In this way, your body tries to filter out dust and other harmful substances and prevent them from causing damage.

However, coughing is also a symptom of a cold or infection. Underlying causes include:

  • temperature changes
  • a weakened immune system
  • a virus

Anyway, there are good cough teas that you can drink. These hot drinks also help to treat excess mucus.

What are the best teas for coughs?

1. Thyme tea

thyme tea

Singers and other people who use their voice a lot love thyme tea. And that’s not surprising: this herb works very well against infections of your vocal tract and lungs.

It is also an effective anti-inflammatory. In addition to relieving pain, the herb also helps to heal faster. It also addresses the underlying cause of your cough.

In addition, thyme has an antibacterial effect. So if you have some microbe causing your cough, you can try killing it with thyme.

2. Lemon tea with honey and cinnamon

Lemon is a very effective antibacterial fruit, we have mentioned that many times. But the strong acid can irritate your tonsils.

So it’s a good idea to pair lemon with something sweet to soften the acidity a bit. Honey is a good choice because it can also kill bacteria. It actually acts a bit like a protective layer.

As for cinnamon, this spice helps to thin mucus. At the same time, cinnamon enhances the strength of the other ingredients.

3. Mint tea

mint tea

Mint tea is one of the stars among the teas against coughs. It is especially good if you have trouble breathing, as mint tea dissolves mucus.

After all, sometimes it is difficult to breathe because the mucus is so thick. That also makes it difficult for your body to expel the mucus because it sticks in your airways.

Mint tea is, of course, also great for combating the inflammation and infection associated with coughing. But if you want to make it even more effective, we recommend adding a cinnamon stick to it.

4. Rooibos tea with lemon

You may think that with allergies you only have to sneeze or get a rash. However, many other symptoms exist, of which cough is an example. If you suffer from an allergy yourself, we recommend rooibos tea with lemon juice.

This tea is a fantastic antihistamine, so it is perfect for coughs caused by an allergic reaction.

In addition, the tea contains a large amount of minerals, which your immune system needs to be strong. That is why it is also an ideal drink when you have a cold or the flu.

5. Ginger tea with honey

Ginger tea honey

The teas for coughs that we mentioned above taste delicious. But not everyone likes the taste of ginger, especially in tea form. Nevertheless , we definitely recommend that you give it a try. After all, it is very good for you!

The anti-inflammatory effect is of particular importance here. With ginger tea you get better faster and the pain goes away faster.

Like the other teas, ginger tea helps to thin mucus. That means helping yourself heal “from the inside out,” which is crucial when it comes to coughing.

You can certainly use this tea for coughs, whether chronic or temporary. There are no side effects unless you are allergic to any of the ingredients, of course.

Try preparing the tea in the morning and taking it with you so you can enjoy a healthy drink all day long!

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