The Best Restorative Face Masks With Baking Soda

If you have sensitive skin, be careful. Because baking soda can possibly cause reactions because it irritates certain skin types.
The best restorative face masks with baking soda

You should always have baking soda at home. Because you can use it for many things. You can use it for cleaning but also for your health and beauty. So make sure you always have this product at hand. In this article, we introduce you to the best restorative face masks that you can make with baking soda .

You really must have this remedy at home. Because you can use it for many different purposes.

Do you suffer from common skin problem such as acne, blackheads or oily skin)? Then we recommend that you try this remedy to improve the health and appearance of your skin.

Here are some great ways you can use baking soda to take care of your skin (especially your face):

Your face is exposed every day to environmental pollution, sun rays, toxins, dust and much more.

If you don’t wash the face at night, all that dirt builds up. It causes spots, a lack of elasticity or wider pores. B aking soda  can help to cleanse your skin.

Acne does not only affect teenagers. If you don’t take good care of the skin, spots will quickly appear.

Baking soda makes the best face masks to care for your skin. It will control the oils that build up on the skin.

This remedy is very good for acne. So it will also help if you have discolorations caused by the sun, aging or hair removal.

Mix baking soda with honey, argan oil or olive oil. The result is one of the best restorative face masks out there in terms of moisturizing.

This mask provides vitamins and essential fatty acids that stimulate cell metabolism and moisture content in cell membranes.

It is not recommended for very sensitive skin. Because it can cause redness, irritation and dryness. But baking soda has a powerful antiseptic power. This is ideal for treating areas that are beginning to ulcerate.

In addition, it is beneficial if your skin is inflamed as a result of an allergy or sun exposure.

Baking soda is not only very easy to use. It is also very cheap and easy to obtain in the store. You can make an effective mask in just a few minutes. So you don’t need expensive treatments in a beauty salon.

Test your skin first to see if it responds well to baking soda. You can do this by rubbing a little baking soda on your hand in a circular motion .

Then wait a few minutes. Pay close attention to the skin’s reaction and see if there are any redness, irritation, burning, or other symptoms.

If nothing happens, you can use the baking soda safely and without any problems.

1. Restorative Face Masks For Oily Skin

This treatment exfoliates, moisturizes and renews the skin. The ingredients for this mask are easy to find. In addition, you only need a few minutes to prepare it.


  • 3 tablespoons baking soda (30 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of mineral water (30 ml)
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 4 drops olive oil, almond oil or lavender oil


  • Put the baking soda in a bowl.
  • Then slowly add the water while stirring. This is how you make a paste.
  • Squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the paste.
  • Finally, add the drops of the essential oil of your choice.

How do you apply this mask?

  • First wash your face with warm water, then gently pat it with a towel until dry.
  • Spread the paste over your face in circular motions (avoiding the eye rims).
  • If you notice a stinging sensation in some areas, don’t worry. This is quite normal.
  • Leave the mask on for twenty minutes. Then remove it with plenty of warm water.

2. Restorative Face Masks For Dry Skin

This recipe is similar to the previous one. But instead of lemon it contains honey.


  • 3 tablespoons baking soda (30 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of mineral water (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • 4 drops olive oil, almond oil or lavender oil


  • Put the baking soda in a bowl and gradually add some water.
  • Stir until you have a smooth paste. Then add the honey (preferably use liquid honey).
  • Then you can add your preferred essential oil and stir.

How do you apply this mask?

  • Cleanse your skin and make sure it is fairly dry. Then apply the paste very carefully so as not to irritate the skin.
  • Leave it on for fifteen minutes and then remove it with warm water.
  • If you notice that your skin is a bit dry, you can apply a moisturizing cream (use the product you normally use). You can also use a few drops of an essential oil for this.

3. Baking Soda and Chamomile Repair Face Masks

baking soda

This face mask is very effective. Moreover, you can easily make it yourself at home. Do you have a free afternoon? Then this is the ideal time to take advantage of the positive effects of the ingredients of this mask.


  • 1 bag of chamomile tea
  • 1/2 cup water (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (20 g)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (20 g)


  • Make the chamomile tea as you normally do.
  • Then let it pull.
  • Meanwhile, crush the oats with a pestle and mortar, in a blender or spoon.
  • Place the baking soda, honey and oatmeal in a bowl. Mix everything well.
  • Remove the tea bag and slowly add the tea to the mixture.
  • If the paste is too thin, you can add a little more baking soda.

How do you apply this face mask?

  • Wash your face well. Then apply a generous layer of the paste. Rub it especially on the places where grease and dirt build up: the nose, forehead and cheeks.
  • Leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
  • When you’re done, apply a moisturizing product. Repeat this treatment once a week.

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