The Best Tips To Protect Your Hair From The Sun

Proper hydration of the hair follicles is essential to prevent hair damage from sun exposure.
The best tips to protect your hair from the sun

Everyone wants shiny and healthy hair. That is a good reason to take care of the hair all year round. So it is important that you know how to protect your hair from the sun and prevent it from getting damaged.

You can take precautions if you are exposed to the sun. This is a very healthy approach as long as you follow the necessary steps to combat the negative effect of free radicals.

As your hair burns in the sun, it becomes lifeless and loses its color and shine. So if you want your hair to look healthy, it is recommended to follow these tips.

The risks when you don’t protect your hair from the sun

Your hair gives your face a beautiful look. It also reflects your personality. That is why it is important that you protect it as much as possible, especially against the negative effect of excessive sun exposure.

People who do not take this into account often complain that their hair is too dry and that they have split ends. You can prevent real lifeless hair without having to cut it or without expensive treatments in a salon.

Remedies and tips for the perfect hair

1. Protect your hair from the sun with mandarin and jojoba oil

Protect your hair from the sun with a mandarin and jojoba oil

The best way to protect your hair from the sun is to first and foremost prevent it from getting damaged. That is why you can make your own protective product for the hair follicle at home with two natural ingredients.

Jojoba oil nourishes the hair. This oil has a texture similar to sebum. So the hair will not become too greasy. Moreover, mandarin not only spreads a wonderful scent. It also adds shine and revives the hair fibers.


  • 4 tablespoons jojoba oil (60 ml)
  • 10 drops of pure tangerine essential oil

Guidelines and Applications

  • Mix both ingredients.
  • Then you can pour it into an atomizer. If you want to do this, we recommend adding 1/2 cup of water (100 ml) as well. That way you can better spread the product through the hair.
  • You can also store it in a jar. Then pour it a little on your palms and spread it through your hair. Do this as if you were combing the hair with your fingers.

2. Wear a hat and protect your hair from the sun

The most practical and easiest way to protect your hair from the sun is to wear a hat or scarf. Nowadays there are endless possibilities that can give you a unique style.

Yet another alternative is to stay under an umbrella as much as you can. Sun rays can still affect your hair. However, they will do it to a much lesser extent. You also have to take into account the time of day. In the afternoon, the sun’s radiation will be much more intense.

3. Be careful with water

You should also not only consider the sun. Also keep in mind that the water from swimming pools and from the sea can affect the health of your hair. In most cases this is the case when you are in the water on a sunny day. For that reason, it is recommended to avoid getting your hair wet too often.

It is best to rinse your hair with tap water as soon as you stop swimming. This way you will remove the excess of salt, chlorine or any other substance. You also prevent the damage to your hair from getting worse.

4. A homemade mask before you wash your hair

When you get back home, it’s a good time to use a simple mask that you make yourself. Apply it before washing your hair as usual. Your hair will absorb the nutrients much better than when it is dry.


  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (15 ml)

Guidelines and Applications

  • Whisk the three ingredients vigorously and mix them together. If you want the mask to be easy to apply to your hair, you can add one or two tablespoons of water.
  • Apply the mask to dry hair. Then let it act for half an hour.
  • Then wash your hair as you normally would.
A natural moisturizing shampoo

5. A Natural Moisturizing Shampoo

Finally, to prevent exposure to the sun from drying out the hair follicles, you should also check what type of shampoo you use. Ideal would be to choose a natural shampoo made from natural ingredients. Examples are aloe vera, coconut or coconut oil, plant extracts and essences.

The ingredients that dry out the hair are sulfates and alcohol. These are often the main ingredients of shampoo. So read the label of a shampoo. This will help you make a better choice. When it’s sunny outside, you should also use a shampoo that protects the hair from drying out and damage.

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