The Effect On Your Body When You Hold Gas

Keeping gas in your body can negatively affect your health. Find out what can happen if you can’t expel it normally.
The effect on your body if you keep gas down

Usually expelling gases from your body is very embarrassing, especially when you are with other people. At that point, you might try to hold it in instead of experiencing that embarrassing feeling. However, keeping gas in has a negative effect on your body.

We find urination, defecation, vomiting and actually everything to do with the secretion of waste from the body annoying. It also does nothing to improve our image. Yet it is quite normal.

Few people really know how harmful the effect of gas retention is on the body. The effects on your health and the effect on your body vary depending on how often you hold gas. The more you do it, the more damage it can do.

Why is it bad if you keep gas down?

Why is holding gas bad

Flatulence can be caused by the foods you eat. Even the air you breathe or the bacteria created during digestion can lead to flatulence.

So it is necessary that you expel gas from your body so that you can avoid health problems.

Are you struggling with the effect on your body because you are holding back gas?

As someone who always does this could lead to the following problems:

  • Stomach ache
  • bad smell
  • Stomach ache

Some people think you could even get a stomach infection or peritonitis (in severe cases).

It’s natural to let gas escape. Everyone should do it about 14 to 18 times a day. Chances are you’ll hold back more gas if you’ve eaten something high in fiber or gas, such as soft drinks.

Holding down gas has a negative effect on your body

There are doctors who say that they can determine the condition of a person’s body by means of their flatulence. 

They can determine the state of your digestive system based on the stench alone (the ingredients that cause the stench) and the amount you excrete each day.

Holding in gas can also hinder you from properly recognizing symptoms.  For example, colic or a swelling in the abdomen can be caused by various problems.

However, if you have a bad habit of holding in gas, you won’t be able to determine what’s really causing it. According to certain trends, the effect of gas would also lead to other symptoms such as:

  • Change in body temperature
  • Skin rash
  • weight loss
  • Fatigue

It is important that you consult a doctor immediately. He or she can evaluate the symptoms and carry out the necessary examinations and determine whether there is a disease.

You can also solve the problem in another way. By preventing gas from forming, you will not have to keep gas inside. This approach is also the most recommended. You just need to follow some advice.

How can you prevent gas?

1. Watch your diet

Watch your diet and avoid gas

All foods produce gas when they are digested in the body. However, some foods significantly increase the formation of gas. They make the colon have to work harder.

First, you can reduce the intake of dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter and ice cream, among others. You can  also avoid certain vegetables, fruits and legumes:

  • cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Maize
  • Broccoli
  • Onion
  • Radish
  • Cauliflower
  • raisins
  • plums
  • Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils

In addition to adjusting your diet, there are other ways. They help your digestion and prevent excessive flatulence.

2. Don’t Eat Too Much

Eating too much can increase gas production. This mainly happens when eating:

  • fatty foods
  • Brussels sprouts
  • junk food
  • milk
  • beans or lentils

3. Avoid soft drinks

Avoid soft drinks and stop gas formation

Various drinks such as soft drinks and beer contain a lot of carbon dioxide . This gas goes directly to the stomach and is forwarded to the intestine. Taking large amounts of these drinks can lead to gas formation. So drink them in moderation. Do not use a straw because that way you will get even more air in.

4. Chew well

It is best not to talk while you eat. When you talk or drink a lot while eating, you swallow more air. You will then feel uncomfortable.

5. Don’t drink cold drinks in the evening

Do not drink cold drinks in the evening

Drinking cold drinks will ‘cool down’ your stomach. So it is better that you drink hot drinks or drinks at room temperature in the evening.

It is always important that you listen to your body. In this case, let’s all behave in a mature way. We are all human. So it is natural that gas escapes.

However, also remember that it is a good idea to be polite and considerate. Leave the room for a moment if you feel that you are suffering from gas.

However, don’t allow the effect of holding gas to interfere with your body’s natural processes.

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