The Main Symptoms Of Pregnancy

The main symptoms of pregnancy are mainly due to the hormonal and physical changes that occur to make the pregnancy possible. Discover them in this article.
The main symptoms of pregnancy

The main symptoms of pregnancy are manifested during the first trimester of pregnancy, but the mother’s body begins to undergo changes from the moment of conception. However, there are no standard rules because every woman is different. So let’s take a closer look at this!

Gonadotrophin and Pregnancy Symptoms

The main symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea

Gonadotrophin, or hCG, is the hormone responsible for the first symptoms of pregnancy. The levels of this hormone increase steadily until week 10 or 12. After that time, it tends to stabilize or even decrease.

Gonadotrophin is produced in the placenta during pregnancy. Pregnancy tests therefore try to detect the presence of the hormone or in other tests the exact level.

The elevation of gonadotrophin usually causes mild effects in the beginning. Headaches, gastrointestinal upset, acne, or skin changes are common. It is usually not detectable until 10 days after conception.

Main Physical Symptoms of Pregnancy

Usually the main symptoms of pregnancy during the first four weeks are the following:

  • Absence of menstruation or amenorrhea. This is one of the most obvious symptoms, especially if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle.
  • Sensitive breasts. This is also one of the first symptoms to appear. The breasts of the expectant mother grow and become very sensitive to touch. This is due to hormonal changes and fat accumulation.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Many women experience this from the first days of pregnancy. This almost always happens in the morning, although it can occur at any time of the day.
  • Tiredness and feeling weak. A pregnant woman feels more tired than usual. This change occurs suddenly and is due to the many processes that take place in the body during pregnancy.
  • Changes in the sense of smell. The sense of smell also becomes very sensitive and causes rejection of certain aromas.
  • stomach problems. The gradual growth of the uterus gives some women the feeling that their stomach is upset or that they have a heavy stomach. Others have sudden heartburn, which is definitely annoying.
  • Changes in appetite. Sometimes there is excessive hunger and sometimes there is a lack of appetite. It is also not uncommon to dislike certain foods that you would normally enjoy.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Aches and pains. Sometimes in the back, sometimes in the lower abdomen.
  • Strange taste in the mouth. A constant metallic taste.
  • Light vaginal bleeding. Light bleeding, which is darker and what is called implantation bleeding.

Psychological symptoms

Some Pregnancy Symptoms Are Psychological in Nature

Some women also start to feel strange or different. They have the feeling that something has changed in them and that can cause unrest. Mood swings are becoming more common, with episodes of sadness and irritability predominating. Emotional outbursts are very common and normal.

All sensations together can then induce a state of bewilderment. There are observable and imperceptible changes that eventually cause the feeling of being overwhelmed, without knowing exactly why. This is more intense in women who didn’t want to get pregnant or who aren’t as knowledgeable about the entire pregnancy process.

In the most extreme cases, a condition known as pregnancy denial occurs. Doctors also refer to it as a “cryptic pregnancy” or “pregnancy rejected.”

It is related to the fact that the woman unconsciously decides to ignore the changes in her body. This is shown by this study conducted by a team from the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley (United Kingdom – Spanish link).

The opposite case can also occur: a woman can be convinced that she is pregnant when she is not and shows all the typical symptoms. This condition is called psychological or false pregnancy.

Visit your doctor if you show symptoms of pregnancy

These are just some of the classic early pregnancy symptoms. However, you should not panic. Keep an eye on them and think about them in relation to the dates of your last periods and your fertile days according to your menstrual cycle.

If some of these symptoms are too intense, doctors use specific and safe treatments that will not affect the baby. You should ask your doctor about it if you suspect you are pregnant or if you have already confirmed it and the signs of the first trimester are overwhelming you.

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