The Warning Signs Of Appendicitis

While some symptoms can indicate other conditions, it is very important to know how to recognize the symptoms and act quickly so that you can prevent appendicitis from progressing to peritonitis.
The Warning Signs of Appendicitis

The cecum is a worm-like tube that is about 1.3 centimeters thick and ten to fifteen centimeters long. The organ is located at the beginning of the large intestine, in the lower abdomen, in an area of ​​the body known as the lower right quadrant. Today we want to talk about appendicitis.

For a long time it was thought that this organ was useless. They did not know what functions it had. All that was known was that the organ was harmful to health when it became inflamed.

However, several studies show that the cecum has a certain immunological function, because it contains lymphatic tissue. All lymphatic tissues together make up the lymphatic system. This is a network of lymph nodes that have special vessels to transport lymph throughout the body.

The cause of appendicitis is still unknown. It is thought to be caused when the intestines become blocked, when a foreign particle enters the body or, in rare cases, by a tumor.

What health experts find especially concerning is that many people are unaware of the warning signs of appendicitis. As a result, in some cases the condition is only discovered when it has already reached a serious stage.

How do you know if you have appendicitis?

Remember that early diagnosis is the key to proper treatment. That’s why we share the most important warning signs in this article.

Pain around the navel

Pain around the belly button can be a symptom of appendicitis

One of the first symptoms that people experience with appendicitis is a severe pain around the navel. However, this pain is often confused with ordinary abdominal pain.

In the case of appendicitis, the pain continues to increase. The pain is persistent until the patient finally realizes that this is not an ordinary abdominal pain. Often the pain gets worse when a person coughs or presses gently on their stomach.

To check if the pain you feel is a symptom of appendicitis, try gently pressing the painful area with  your index and middle fingers for two minutes.

In the case of appendicitis, it will most likely cause a lot of pain. This can be so bad that you may have to scream in pain.

Walking bent over

In the case of acute appendicitis, the person afflicted with it will likely bend over. He will also not be able to move properly. When the person tries to walk upright, the pain increases. This indicates that something is not right.

Most people who suffer from appendicitis choose to stay in bed until the pain subsides.

Other ways to check for appendicitis include jumping and coughing to see if the pain increases in these cases. In fact, this is the first thing doctors will ask you to do in order to make a diagnosis.


Fever can be a symptom of appendicitis

Fever is the way the body’s immune system responds to various health conditions. In the case of appendicitis, you should definitely see this as one of the warning signs.

A normal body temperature fluctuates around thirty-seven degrees. When the body temperature rises and there are also other symptoms, this can be a sign that the cecum is inflamed.

Nausea and vomiting

As the inflammation gets worse, the body will show more symptoms. For example, think of nausea and vomiting.

However, as in the case of a fever, both symptoms can also be the result of other health conditions. Think of various gastrointestinal disorders.

The stool changes

Pain while pooping? This symptom does not appear until a later stage. It may be accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. This is because the digestive tract becomes inflamed.

Decreased appetite

Decreased appetite can be a symptom of appendicitis

This symptom, in combination with some of the other symptoms we have mentioned, can indicate that there is something wrong with the cecum.

In general, it is difficult for people who suffer from appendicitis to eat normally. This change comes on so suddenly that it is obvious that it is not the result of a stomach infection or virus.

What are the complications?

Ignoring these warning signs can cause the inflammation to get worse and eventually reach a serious stage.

The worst complication that can arise is that the untreated inflammation damages the organ. The infected tissue could eventually cause peritonitis. This is a condition that can be fatal.

In addition, appendicitis can cause fistulas, abscesses or infections.

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