Tips To Clear Your Mind And Sleep Better

In today’s article, we’ll explain how to clear your mind to get invigorating sleep and energy to give your best every day.
Tips to clear your mind and sleep better

If your nights are bombarded with thoughts that keep you from sleeping, you’re bound to have the zombie look the next day. And this doesn’t look good on anyone. In today’s article we will therefore give you some tips to sleep better.

Tips to clear the mind and sleep better

No one can deny that a creative mind is a special gift. Often enough, though, it can work against us and keep us from getting a good night’s sleep. If the ideas flood into us at night like a tidal wave, maybe it’s time to change some habits.

In today’s article we explain how to clear your mind to get sleep and energy so that you can give the best of yourself every day.

1. Establish a routine to sleep better

Woman has routine to sleep better

You have to be strategic with the hours before bedtime. If you’re active up to the last minute, you shouldn’t be surprised that your mind can’t calm down. We therefore recommend that you stop staring at screens, exerting yourself, working or studying for one or two hours before going to bed .

You need to help both your body and your brain to relax and get into a ‘state of rest’. With a routine, we can teach our brains to slow down from a certain time in order to sleep later.

You can read a bit, do some yoga, meditate or take a hot shower. It’s also a good idea to remove your makeup and put on comfortable clothes.

2. Schedule Weekly Activities

A good way to clear your mind before going to sleep is to write down what you need to do the next day or this week. When you list the ideas “trapped” in your head, your brain can calm down.

Another good practice is to keep a journal or diary in which you can write down everything that comes to mind. Try to be as specific as possible when writing. Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts. By doing this, you can ‘clear’ your brain and it will know it’s time to rest.

3. Make it easy on yourself

Woman creates comfortable environment for better sleep

If it’s too cold or too hot, if your clothes are too tight, if the lights are on, if you can hear the tap dripping or perceive some other form of disturbance, your mind is often more easily distracted by thoughts and ideas.

4. Visualize to Sleep Better

Before going to sleep, think about something that motivates you. You may not believe that this will help you clear your head, but it does and it also helps you to dream about nice and positive things. For example, imagine walking in the countryside or on the beach, swimming in the sea or a river, watching the autumn colors change or the butterflies hatching in the spring.

What’s so useful about visualizing?

It’s helpful to keep your imagination focused. By doing this, you can put aside any other distracting or stimulating thoughts. Do not forget to imagine serene and pleasant things. Avoid anxious thoughts and unnerving visualizations.

5. Exercise in the afternoon

Exercise to sleep better

You should not exercise after sunset. After a workout, your body and mind need a few hours to relax.

The best time to train is around six o’clock in the afternoon. Exercising at this point will leave you plenty of time to relax, take a shower, make and eat food, and do other activities until you go to sleep.

Since exercise causes us to release endorphins and toxins, our minds will be clearer and we will be able to sleep better. This will help our body to recover.

6. Don’t check your email

Stop using electronic devices for at least an hour before going to bed. This will allow you to clear your mind to sleep better later. Bright screens can put your brain in a state of alert.

It may take you some time to break this bad habit. If you are used to watching television before going to bed, we recommend that you watch a fun and light-hearted program. In other words, try to avoid action or horror movies, and worse, the news.

7. Take a deep breath to sleep better

Meditate to sleep better

If you don’t normally meditate, you can start by focusing on your breathing. You may not believe it, but breathing is an art. This exercise can calm you down and calm your troubled mind.

  • You can sit (in the lotus position with your legs crossed) or lie in your bed.
  • Turn off all the lights and try to make sure there are no noises to distract you.
  • Close your eyes and breathe in slowly through your nose.
  • Count to five, hold the air in your lungs and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Repeat the exercise three or four times. You will see that you will feel calmer and that you can relax before going to sleep.

8. Have a cup of tea

Herbal teas can be very helpful when your brain refuses to let you rest. You can choose from chamomile, valerian or linden tea to soothe.

Remember that you should drink it an hour before bedtime. Skip the sugar as it has the opposite effect.

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