Touch The Soul Of Another By Showing Affection

Love and affection allow you to build bonds with those around you, especially those close to your heart. It creates positive energy and provides countless psychological benefits.
Touch the soul of another by showing affection

Showing affection to another is a respectful way to touch his soul. Use the right words and expressions, and above all, always try to see others as part of you.

Zick Rubin was the first psychologist to explore this love theme and the impact it has on our personal relationships. This author also showed that there are subtle differences between love and affection and that it is more than normal to have a close bond with the people who are a direct part of our lives.

However, the love you feel for a romantic partner or a child is much more intimate. This love requires a different kind of affection. This kind of affection can strengthen the bond between the two of you.

We invite you to think about this today.

The psychology behind showing affection, an art that comes straight from the heart

Experts in emotional psychology indicate that affection is primarily a social strategy. A strategy that allows us to build more intimate, meaningful and lasting bonds.

This is something that no one can doubt. In personal relationships, a person who behaves harshly or coldly can cause mistrust and, above all, misery. It does not matter whether it concerns the relationship between friends, relatives or partners.

Your social brain is controlled by a number of neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters allow you to connect with other people. Oxytocin, for example, is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. It plays an important role in connecting social contacts with feelings of pleasure. That is why oxytocin is also called the cuddle hormone.

You might also like to know that love not only plays a profound role in people’s emotional behavior, but can often be seen in animals as well. Animals also speak the language of love and have the gift of developing these emotions.


A life without affection is like an empty glass

A life without emotional gestures means that your personal relationships are not confirmed.

  • It is also important to remember that the brains of children who grow up without affection, attention or touch often mature at a different rate.
  • Anxiety, emotional stress, and a lack of self-confidence are common traits of children who have experienced traumatic childhoods with a lack of love.
  • Adults can also suffer from these deficiencies, for the same reasons. If your partner doesn’t treat you with enough affection, respect, and intimacy, you’re actually experiencing some form of emotional abuse.  Whether you realize this or not.

Detachment, aggression, sarcasm and even avoiding eye contact can cause a lot of unavoidable sadness. That’s because it creates a wall between two people.


Affection is a form of energy that flows between people

You have undoubtedly noticed this. When you experience affection, respect and care from those around you, it generates a kind of emotional energy that everyone can benefit from.

It can be very enriching to create this kind of positive energy – it costs nothing and is worth a lot. Therefore, you should always try to practice the following:

  • Look at the people who are talking to you and give them attention.
  • Listen to them with empathy and use affirmative words:
    • I understand,  I know,  I realize,  I know what you’re going through, you’re right, I can put myself in your place…
  • Use these simple gestures to arouse positive emotions:
    • a smile, a touch, laughter, an arm around someone’s shoulder…
  • Don’t hesitate to talk in a calm tone. Try not to yell or be mocking or contemptuous.

Finally, don’t just try to practice these healthy habits yourself, but expect others to do the same.

You deserve respect and you too should therefore benefit from these gestures that include true love, the ability that everyone should possess to touch the soul of another through affection. 

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