Treat Nasal Polyps Naturally

If you don’t notice any improvement with the use of these natural remedies, see a doctor. They will be able to suggest the right treatment for your specific situation.
Treating Nasal Polyps Naturally

Chronic allergies, respiratory infections and certain nasal infections can cause conditions such as nasal polyps. You can treat nasal polyps naturally.

Usually, treatment involves the use of corticosteroids or surgery. However, sometimes natural remedies are sufficient.

Read on and learn about five ways you can treat nasal polyps naturally.

What are nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps are growths filled with fluid that grow in the sinuses of the nose and in the nasal passages. They look like little grapes in your nostrils. Usually they do not cause pain. However, they can be annoying if you also have allergies.

Nasal polyps vary in size. So for some people they won’t be a big problem. However, in other cases, it may be necessary to surgically remove them. That’s one reason why you need to deal with nasal polyps on time.

What are nasal polyps

In general, nasal polyps grow in the sinuses of the nose. They put pressure on these sinuses. Thus, they are considered to be a form of sinusitis, also known as polypoid sinusitis.

Causes of Nasal Polyps

No definitive causes of nasal polyps have been identified. However, studies show that these are the most likely causes:

  • Severe Allergies Not Treated Properly
  • Asthma
  • Long-term illnesses
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Problems with the blood vessels responsible for blood supply to the mucosa
  • Anatomical abnormalities that cause pressure in the sinuses
  • Hypersensitivity to aspirin
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Allergic Rhinitis

The Symptoms and Treatment of Nasal Polyps

When the nasal polyps are small, there are usually no symptoms. In fact, many people are not aware that they have these polyps. However, as they grow, they can lead to blockages and infections in the nasal passages. When the person’s nostrils are clogged, he begins to breathe through the mouth.

Common symptoms include:

  • A stuffy nose and possibly also a runny nose.
  • A mild or moderate loss of the sense of smell and taste
  • Headache
  • Pain and pressure in the face and area of ​​the nose
  • Symptoms of a cold
  • snoring

In terms of treatment, doctors may recommend injections and/or surgery.

However, surgery is only appropriate when there is complete blockage of one or both nostrils. In addition, it must also be shown that other treatments do not work.

Before going into surgery to remove the nasal polyps, you may want to try some other methods. 

You can treat nasal polyps naturally. Certain natural remedies can reduce the size of the polyps or prevent them from growing further.

Here we propose five solutions.

Treat nasal polyps naturally: 5 solutions

Natural remedies are often budget-friendly and easy to prepare. In addition, they are also often effective for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and conditions. So you can also treat nasal polyps in a natural way.

1. Nasal rinse with saline solution

Nasal rinse with saline solution

This is an easy fix. You make this preparation with salt water. You then use it to clean and relieve the nasal passages. The saline will remove any allergens that may be causing your nasal polyps.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of sea salt (5 g) with 1 cup of hot water (200 ml).
  • Using a dropper or nasal spray, instill the saline solution directly into the nostrils.
  • Then inhale to distribute the liquid throughout the nasal cavity.
  • Use this remedy three times a day.

2. A syrup with honey and radish

A syrup with honey and radish

Radishes are root vegetables. They are known for having the ability to help treat respiratory conditions.

Many people are afraid of radishes and their very strong, spicy taste. However, in this remedy, you mix them with honey to make them easier to take.


  • Mix a handful (200 g) of grated radish with 1 cup of honey.
  • Take a tablespoon of this mixture in the morning and evening until all complaints have disappeared.

Note: The best way is to let the radish with its strong, spicy scent fill your mouth before swallowing.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lemons will boost your immune system. That’s because they contain a large amount of vitamin C. This is also why we recommend it if you have nasal polyps.

They also contain bioflavonoids. They are good for the mucous membrane in the nose and also for your blood vessels.

  • Eat one or two pieces of citrus fruit every day, preferably whole. However, citrus juice is also acceptable (provided it contains no added sugars).

4. Inhale steam

Inhale steam

Breathing steam is a common method of reducing nasal congestion and breaking down mucus. There are several ways to do this. However, the ingredients are always the same: water and herbs.

  • Bring water to a boil in a saucepan along with some mint leaves or eucalyptus leaves.
  • Then pour it into a large bowl.
  • Place a towel over your head and neck and bend over the bowl. Also make sure the towel doesn’t let the steam escape.
  • Then breathe in deeply through your nose. Keep doing this until the water has cooled down.
  • Try to repeat this treatment every evening and several evenings in succession. It will also help you sleep and reduce nasal polyps.

5. Tea tree oil

Use tea tree oil for nasal polyps

You can treat nasal polyps naturally with tea tree oil. After all, this oil is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory.

Thanks to these properties and because it is very medicinal in general, tea tree oil is an excellent home remedy for nasal polyps. However, we must emphasize that you can only use it topically (externally) and preferably diluted.

  • Dip a cotton swab in a mixture of 1 cup (250 ml) of warm water with 5 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Smooth the cotton swab over the nasal polyps or into the nasal passages if you cannot reach the polyps.
  • An alternative way is to combine this method with the previous one. Then use these ingredients to inhale steam.

Let’s say you use one of these natural remedies and notice no improvement in your nasal polyps. Then consult a doctor to discuss other forms of treatment.

However, naturopathy can also be a great help. Many people notice a great improvement thanks to the use of natural remedies.

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