We Tell You All About Palliative Care

Serious chronic diseases have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their environment. Palliative care is a form of care that ensures that the disease has less impact.
We tell you everything about palliative care

All patients with serious illnesses can benefit from palliative care. The main aim is therefore to provide support and relief to people who suffer from serious health problems that can lead to death in the short or medium term.

Palliative care has been proven to significantly improve the quality of life of critically ill patients and their families. Yet it is estimated that only 14% of people who need this care actually receive it.

Never in the history of mankind has there been more need for palliative care than now. This is because medical advances have extended life expectancy. As a result, the survival rate of people with chronic diseases has increased. Many people do not die immediately from their disease, but many do suffer from it.

What palliative care consists of

Woman and doctor in conversation

Palliative care is a medical field responsible for preventing and alleviating the suffering of critically ill patients and also providing a better quality of life for these patients and their families.

Many people who suffer from life-threatening diseases need this care. The main goals of palliative care include:

  • Managing the symptoms (link in spanish) that make patients suffer, as well as their family members.
  • Adjust treatment goals to patient’s circumstances and preferences.
  • Facilitate and maintain communication between patient, family and medical team.
  • Provide psychosocial and spiritual support to patients and their families.

Palliative care encompasses a wide range of diseases. Those who are in a severe stage of a disease and those who are not receiving conventional treatment because of their condition can benefit. This also applies to people who have responded poorly to ordinary treatments.

What palliative care consists of

A serious chronic illness is a condition that affects multiple dimensions of the patient and family life. Palliative care tries to answer:

  • Physical problems
  • Practical issues
  • Psychosocial aspects
  • The spiritual world

Physical problems usually include pain, breathing problems, sleeping problems and digestive disorders. These problems are usually addressed with medication, physical therapy, nutritional advice and occupational therapy.

In these cases, there are usually a number of practical issues mainly related to the availability of resources. When we talk about resources, we refer to financial resources or the resources needed to ensure the patient and the well-being of the family.

Serious illnesses also need psychosocial support to deal with fear, hopelessness or denial. This support is mainly provided by guidance and support groups.

Medical professionals should also provide spiritual help to explore beliefs and values ​​that contribute to accepting and handling the situation.

Who should deliver them and under what conditions

Woman receives palliative care

Palliative care can be provided in a hospital, specialized center or at home. The patient and his family must decide which is the best choice, taking into account the pros and cons of each.

Home care has been proven to be very beneficial for sick patients in most cases. However, this option is subject to each family’s conditions and availability, as well as access to outside support.

Ideally , this care is provided by a medical team in collaboration with the patient’s family. Someone with a serious illness needs:

  • Doctors
  • nurses
  • Physical Assistant
  • Nutritionist
  • Psychologist
  • Social worker
  • Physiotherapist
  • spiritual guide

Aspects to consider

It is very important that both the patient and their family know the ins and outs of the disease, treatment options and prognosis. This allows them to make good decisions at every step.

Not everyone in the world has access to palliative care. In high-income countries, almost all patients have this care. However, it is clearly lacking in low-income countries. 98% of the children who need such care live in poor countries.

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