What Are The Effects Of Gluten On The Body?

Gluten consumption can lead to complications in some people who have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. Today’s article is about what effects gluten can have on the body in these people.
What are the effects of gluten on the body?

Some people have a gluten intolerance. In that case, gluten has certain effects on the body if someone comes into contact with it. However, the symptoms differ from person to person. Therefore, everyone should be aware of what possible reactions of the body can occur.

Researchers have identified several conditions associated with ingesting this substance, and the most common forms are celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. This body response has to do with activating the cells of the immune system.

What exactly is gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in the endosperm of certain grains such as rye, barley and wheat. It is the reserve food for the germ. When coming into contact with water, gluten ensures that dough becomes elastic and can rise well.

Wheat has been a big part of the Western diet for about 10,000 years. However, the food industry has genetically modified it so that it is increasingly resistant to pests and weather conditions.

As a result, the harvests are always good and consumption has gradually increased. Because the viscosity and elasticity of wheat made it a remarkable ingredient, it is used not only for bread making but also for all kinds of industrial junk foods.

That is why the population of western countries now experiences excessive exposure to gluten. As a result, related diseases arose. Research also shows that genetic predisposition plays an important role in the development of gluten intolerance.

Effects of gluten on the body

Gluten-containing products

Scientific evidence (Spanish link) shows that people with a gluten sensitivity often show both gastrointestinal symptoms and general complaints. The damage to the intestinal villi, in turn, leads to further consequences.

The most common clinical manifestations of gluten sensitivity include:

  • diarrhea and constipation
  • stomach ache
  • excessive gas in the intestines
  • feeling full after a meal
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • depression
  • muscle strain
  • dermatitis
  • anemia
  • irritability

Other possible effects of gluten on the body

According to a study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine (Spanish link), it is common for children without a diagnosis of celiac disease to develop several problems in addition to the symptoms mentioned above, including:

  • problems arriving.
  • anorexia.
  • vitamin deficiencies.
  • tooth enamel abnormalities.

The same article also states that the manifestations in adolescents and adults tend to be atypical. In general, the symptoms are non-specific and do not even appear to be related to digestive system problems.

According to the guidelines of the World Gastroenterology Organization (Spanish article), regular intake of gluten-containing foods can lead to other problems such as:

  • endocrine disorders
  • primary infertility
  • repeated spontaneous abortions
  • delayed puberty
  • early menopause
  • bone problems such as osteopenia, osteoporosis and osteomalacia

In addition, it appears that people with long-term untreated celiac disease are at increased risk of complications such as colon cancer, malignant lymphomas, oropharyngeal tumors and bone fractures.

Elimination of gluten from the diet

Science backs up the fact that the best treatment for gluten intolerance is a lifelong gluten-free diet (Spanish link). To avoid these effects of gluten on the body, these patients should eliminate all gluten-containing products from their diet.

They should also keep in mind that many types of ultra-processed foods can contain gluten. For example, there may be gluten in certain ice creams, sauces, salad dressings, beer, and even beverages and some medications.

Fortunately, it is now mandatory to state it on the packaging if a product is not wheat-free or gluten-free. Some manufacturers implemented recognizable logos a few years ago to identify gluten-free products.

However, you should keep in mind that meat, fruits, vegetables or other foods can be contaminated by the simple fact that it has come into contact with gluten. You should be aware of this in everything you buy.

A healthy gluten-free diet


The gluten-free diet is difficult to follow and to create a full-fledged diet with it. It is therefore absolutely not recommended for people who have not been diagnosed with gluten intolerance.

In addition, the help of a specialized dietician is indispensable to ensure that the diet is balanced and full. When looking for alternatives to gluten-containing grains, there are some great options to explore. Think of products such as:

  • rice
  • millet
  • maize
  • sorghum
  • Quinoa
  • buckwheat
  • amaranth

Always consult your doctor or dietitian if you have any questions. They should be able to help you plan an appropriate diet, after evaluating your particular situation.

What to Remember About Gluten’s Effects on the Body

Finally, it’s important to remember that gluten’s effects on the body are many and varied. While some people can digest this protein without any problems, others are allergic or hypersensitive to it and get sick after ingesting it. It mainly affects the digestive system, but general complaints can also occur.

Consult your doctor if you think you notice certain intolerance symptoms in yourself or your child. Only then can a correct diagnosis be made. Keep in mind that you will have to make significant changes to your eating habits if you have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

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