What Causes Abdominal Pain On The Left Side Of The Abdomen?

Usually abdominal pain is due to the build-up of gas, but if the pain is severe it can be a sign of a more serious condition.
What causes abdominal pain on the left side of the abdomen?

Pain, no matter where or how strong it is, is always a symptom of something, even if it is not important. You shouldn’t worry too much about it or try to diagnose it on your own, but you shouldn’t ignore it either. If you are concerned or have a problem, it is best to contact your doctor.

Today we will focus on finding the cause as it is something that happens regularly. We would like to emphasize again that you should pay attention to your health and if you are in doubt, your doctor is the only one who can make a correct diagnosis.

You have abdominal pain on the left side – what causes it?

Woman with hand on her stomach

We want to share this article with you today for a reason. Abdominal pain on the left side should not be ignored or overlooked. If some of the following symptoms occur together, then you should be concerned:

  • Constant pain. We’re not talking about something that shows up on a certain day or a few hours and then disappears again. Pain on the left that lasts regularly or comes on just after you eat something is something you should see as important.
  • But how does it feel? It feels like a hot disk in your stomach and is a very dry and sharp kind of pain. You may also have a little discomfort that comes and goes, which can be due to the buildup of gas. This pain is clearly present and it is almost impossible not to think about it.
  • If you take painkillers to relieve it, the pain will sometimes go away, but come back in full force within a few hours or the next day.
  • Abdominal pain on the left side is one of the most common types of pain that patients go to the doctor for. As we’ve said before, it’s usually due to an excess of gas in this area, but because this side of the body also includes your pancreas, stomach, and left kidney, it’s something you simply can’t ignore.

Causes of abdominal pain on the left side

Let’s take a look at the possible causes.

1. Pancreatitis

In addition to gas, this is the most common cause and is therefore important. Pancreatitis usually manifests itself in such an intense way that you have to go straight to the hospital.

You often feel very severe pain in the abdomen that is accompanied by fever, vomiting and palpitations. Note any minor symptoms throughout the day that may give you some clues.

Think about how your digestion is. Do you feel very full, heavy and have left side pain after eating? If the pain is very sharp and accompanied by these other symptoms, chances are you need to see a doctor.

The liver system

2. Intestinal Blockages

Pay close attention to a blockage of the intestines. If you have a blockage in your colon or small intestine , it could be a serious medical emergency.

Why do blockages appear? It is basically a blockage that does not allow food or liquids to pass through and the symptoms are very obvious. In addition to the abdominal pain on the left side, you will have a fever and it will be impossible to pass gas or have a bowel movement.

3. Diverticulosis

We’ve talked about diverticulosis before on this blog, but what is it? Inflammation develops in the last part of the colon, which can create abscesses and severe inflammation. This can cause a lot of pain.

You will have bouts of diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, extreme heat and possibly even anal bleeding. It is important to remember this.

Blockages in the large intestine

4. Kidney Stones

Sometimes kidney stones don’t cause any symptoms, especially when they’re still forming. Eventually, however, they will be large enough to cause pain.

The pain may be on the left side, but remember that your kidneys are closer to your back. The pain can just as easily emerge in the same spot on the right side.

5. Ovarian Cysts

Women occasionally experience this and they can appear in the left ovary. But how does it feel? You may have only eaten a little bit, but you soon feel full. You have a sharp pain in your side, sometimes accompanied by irregular periods, pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting and general abdominal discomfort.

Ovarian cyst and ovary

Other less significant causes: food poisoning, gas, stress…

  • These are the more common causes of abdominal pain and are not nearly as serious. For example, while they aren’t as “serious” as pancreatitis, that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. On the contrary.
  • Some foods don’t mix well with your body and you will notice. Your body will protect itself. In cases of food poisoning, you will experience severe abdominal pain on the left side, usually accompanied by vomiting.
  • An overabundance of gas is also a regular occurrence and while it may seem strange, it often accumulates on one side of the stomach.
  • And what about stress? How can stress be localized in one part of the body? Remember that stress can manifest itself in physical ways, causing indigestion and stomach irritations … So don’t rule it out as a possible factor.

To conclude, we would like to reiterate that if you are experiencing some of the above symptoms and are concerned, you should contact your doctor. He or she is the only person who can make a proper diagnosis. Never try to self-treat and always follow the advice of a medical professional. 

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