What Is A Hot Stone Massage And What Are The Benefits?

If you are exposed to a lot of stress, a hot stone massage may be a perfect option for you. Read what it is, its benefits and contraindications.
What is a hot stone massage and what are the benefits?

Muscle pain arises due to a range of factors ranging from stress, insomnia, anxiety, circulatory problems or even joint problems. Therefore, all kinds of therapies have been developed to solve these problems, such as a hot stone massage.

This is a treatment that combines a conventional therapeutic massage with the application of stones to the skin at different elevated temperatures. This can promote the flow of vital energy and relieve physical and emotional disturbances. Here you will find all the information you need about a hot stone massage!

What is a hot stone massage?

The official name of this method is geothermal therapy and focuses on applying stones to the body. The stones are pre-warmed and placed on the skin to relieve tension in the muscles, repair damaged soft tissue or even improve energy.

It is important to note that the stones used for this therapy are special. They are usually made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock with a flat and smooth shape.

The massage therapist heats them up to 129 and between 54 and 143 degrees Celsius beforehand. The therapist then applies them to specific areas of the body, such as the spine, chest, abdomen, face, palms, and feet.

As for the technique, it depends on the professional doing the work. Some of them tend to hold the stones in their hands and then place them on people. They can also combine a hot stone massage with a Swedish massage, vibrations or circular movements.

What are the benefits of a hot stone massage?

Stones of basalt

This practice has become popular due to its relaxing effects on the body, in addition to its energy renewal properties. However, there are many more advantages, which we will explain in detail below!

1. Muscle Pain Relief

This is the most popular benefit of a hot stone massage. Heat is the perfect ally to relieve muscle pain and tension in the body.

This is because it increases blood flow to the affected area, which helps reduce muscle spasms. Apart from that, it reduces any inflammation that may occur in the muscles.

2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are a problem that more and more people are experiencing as a result of their busy lifestyles. This causes the worries or inconveniences of everyday life to turn into small charges of negative energy.

However, among the many treatments that exist for this, hot stone techniques are effective in reducing stress levels (Spanish link). Thanks to this massage, energy flows and harmony between body, mind and soul are achieved.

3. Greater Joint Flexibility

When a person develops a joint disease, it causes a series of widespread pains that are very uncomfortable. A massage is therefore one of the first solutions to be considered when limitations such as difficulty moving are identified (Spanish link).

Hot stone massages are usually the best option, as this type of therapy is ideal for relaxing muscles and reducing inflammation.

4. Improved Sleep Quality

Various factors, such as stress, anxiety, and even body aches, often lead to other conditions related to sleep problems. In this regard, it is important to emphasize the need for effective rest in order to work optimally during the day.

Hot stone massages are useful to promote general relaxation of the body, allowing for a deeper and better quality of sleep.

5. A hot stone massage also provides aesthetic effects

Finally, we cannot overlook the benefits of these treatments for the skin. The improvement of blood circulation (Spanish link) and the elimination of toxins contribute to a much smoother and healthier looking skin. This means that it revitalizes, oxygenates and relieves dermatological tissue.

Recommendations and contraindications for a hot stone massage

Despite the properties that hot stone massages have for the body, there are a number of recommendations that you should take into account. The fact that it is a natural procedure does not mean that there are no contraindications. We therefore recommend that you pay attention to the following points.

Consult a doctor

Before going to a center where they perform this type of massage, it’s best to consult a doctor about your problem. Your condition may go beyond just muscle pain, so you should be seen by a specialist first.

In that sense, there are some instances where these practices are not recommended. For example, if you have a bleeding disorder, burns on your skin or if you have had surgery in the past six weeks.

Only have massages performed by professionals

With any procedure you are going to undergo, you should thoroughly research the people who will be performing it. Not everyone knows the right techniques when it comes to a hot stone massage.

You should therefore make sure that you have it done by professionals with experience in that field. This prevents serious consequences, such as burns or aggravation of injuries.

Do not place stones on damaged skin

If you have bruises, scrapes, cuts, or burns of any kind, these types of massages should be avoided at all costs until the injuries have healed.

Applying hot stones to the skin can increase the risk of greater damage. They can also cause infections caused by bacteria from the oils used.

Do not perform in case of respiratory disease

This suggestion seems to be common sense, but many don’t take it seriously. Anyone with a cold, flu or fever should avoid a hot stone massage until they are fully recovered.

Remember that a cold makes it difficult to regulate your body temperature. So if hot stones are applied to the skin, the experience can be very unpleasant.

A hot stone massage in the context of geothermal therapy

Wife gets a hot stone massage

In short, geothermal therapy is a safe and rewarding technique. Many of those who undergo a hot stone massage experience relatively immediate changes in the relaxation of their muscles, as well as improvements before bedtime. If you need more encouragement, here are some final recommendations that will be very helpful:

  • Make sure you go to a place with previous experience that has the necessary hygiene practices.
  • Contact your massage therapist and explain your concerns. That way they can adapt to your needs.
  • If in doubt, consult your doctor first and then the therapist.
  • Inform the massage therapist if you have any health problems.

As for the regularity of the massage, it depends on the type of person you are. For example, if you are an athlete, you can get a massage two to three times a week during intensive training. If you are less physically active, you can go once or twice a month.

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