What You Need To Know About Lupus

Have you ever heard of Lupus? If you are not familiar with the disease, learn more! We are going to tell you about this disease and how it is treated.
What you need to know about lupus

There is an endless amount of diseases all over the world. Some are more worrisome than others. As a result, they are more familiar, more dangerous, and have a detailed list of symptoms. However, these diseases begin to lose their power when we get to other diseases. A perfect example is Lupus.

You may have already read about it on this website. Or, you have this condition without even knowing it.

What is Lupus?

Lupus and Medications

It is considered one of the most dangerous and unstable diseases in the human body. This is all due to its main feature. It’s an autoimmune  disease.

The symptoms of this disease are rarely the same in different cases, and they are unpredictable. Remember, this is caused by your immune system being compromised.

Lupus attacks and affects the main cells of this system.

Lupus destroys your body’s defenses. This ensures that you are unable to fight bacteria and other toxic components in your body.

Your immune system and lupus

Starting from what we just said, these symptoms are linked. Let’s talk about your immune system and its importance to your body.

  • This includes special organs, cells, tissue, and proteins, along with other things.
  • All these together perform the main function of protecting your entire body from outside invaders.
  • Among these elements, are some of the most noteworthy bacteria, germs, and microorganisms. And these can be found everywhere we go.

To sum it up, your immune system is a combination of essential functions that protect your body. But, what does this have to do with diseases like Lupus?

Although it is not a contagious disease, it affects all of your body’s defense mechanisms. This explains its close relationship with your immune system. Little by little it attacks your cells and tissues.

Types of lupus

Types of lupus

This disease is divided into three types. We will explain them below.

1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Also known as “SLE”, its abbreviation. This is the most common form of Lupus. Specialists simply call it “Lupus”, without using the rest of the name.

  • This affects your most important systems on a regular basis. This especially includes organs such as your heart, brain, and kidneys.
  • So his symptoms are incredibly varied. Some people experience extreme symptoms, others may not have such a strong reaction.

2. Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus

As the name “cutaneous” implies, this disease mainly affects the tissue of your skin.

Keep in mind that this covers 100% of the surface of your body. So any part of your skin can be affected. And the  symptoms can also show up on your face and scalp.

The main symptoms are the appearance of a red discoloration of the skin and changes in your skin color.

3. Drug-Induced Lupus Erythematosus

This condition is similar to systemic lupus. However, it is caused by your body fighting off certain medications.

Fortunately , stopping treatment may be enough to improve your symptoms. This is because they disappear instantly.

The symptoms of drug-induced lupus may be less severe than those of systemic lupus.

Is it possible to recognize lupus?

Recognizing Lupus

This disease is complex. This is not only the case for the people who suffer from it, but also for the health professionals.

Sometimes it is difficult to make a proper diagnosis.

Despite this, Lupus has some symptoms that can help identify it.

Below we list a few of the most common:

  • joint pain
  • Joint inflammation
  • Swelling of the thyroid glands
  • Extreme fatigue for no reason
  • hair loss
  • Fatigue or extreme distraction
  • Facial Skin Problems
  • Chestpain

Things to Remember

The occurrence of these symptoms is called an outbreak. They can appear and disappear again. It is recommended that you talk to a doctor you trust.

This disease can occur in anyone. We don’t know where it comes from, but it’s associated with hereditary factors.

Despite the fact that there is no cure, there are many ways to treat Lupus. You should talk to your specialist for these treatments.

Talking to other patients who also have it can help you cope better with the disease.

Featured Image Courtesy of © wikiHow.com


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