When Your Dreams Reflect Your Health

Dreams are a collection of images, sounds, feelings and thoughts that a person experiences while sleeping. Are you curious why you dream and what your dreams can mean?
When your dreams reflect your health

There is much mystery about why we dream. Certain theories suggest that your dreams also reflect your emotional state. Here your fears, concerns and stress are translated into dreamy images that we have all experienced. For example, have you never dreamed that you fell into an empty room? Below we explain why you dream this.

The effect of sleep

Sleep has a healing effect on people. Not only do you need it physically, but your brain is incredibly active at rest organizing memories and thoughts. For example, if you suffer from insomnia, you are normally someone who has trouble concentrating and/or remembering. But it gets even more interesting: Your dreams may reflect your own emotional health. And that’s why it’s so interesting to analyze them.

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  • Every day you are subject to different situations that you may not even be aware of. You may feel stress at work or feel overlooked, but you choose not to pay attention to it. You may also have problems at home that you are afraid to discuss out loud. All these things translate into an internal anxiety, into unconfronted dimensions that nestle in your subconscious.
  • Your emotional health requires you to cope with all of this and demands balance and tranquility. But when your life is full of worries, stress sets in, accompanied by headaches and discomfort. And all that is reflected in your dreams.
  • Dreams are a perfect way to face these emotions. Your fears and problems are represented by dreamy images that almost everyone experiences in the same way. During your sleep, when you are immersed in your subconscious, your emotional health is displayed in a certain way. You meet your fears face-to-face or they appear as metaphorical images. Do you want to learn what they mean?

1. Dreaming that someone is following you

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Has this ever happened to you? It is one of the most common dreams. You walk around outside in a familiar environment but you feel someone behind you. It doesn’t have to be a person, it can also be an animal or an undefined presence.


First, this can be explained by your fear of facing something. Or, secondly, you are hiding something and you are afraid to say what. It could also be that you want to demand something from your boss or say something to your partner, but you don’t have the courage to tell him or her.

2. Dreaming that you fall

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This is one of the most recurring dreams. Sometimes it is very short lived and can cause you to wake up sweating and panting. You are walking and suddenly fall into an abyss or suddenly a hole appears in the ground. What does that mean?


The dream shows that you are experiencing a stressful period in your life. You are stiff with nerves and your body reacts to it. When this dream is a frequent occurrence, it is time for you to face whatever is causing you stress and make changes in your life as needed.

3. Dreaming that you are imprisoned

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Without knowing how to get there, you suddenly realize that you are trapped in a small, suffocating space. You can’t get out and you can’t breathe. Your heart is racing and you are exhausted and scared. If this has ever happened to you, ask yourself if there is anything that worries you. These concerns can cause a “suffocating” pressure.

4. Dreaming that you leave the house naked or your teeth fall out

On the one hand, these dreams are associated with low self-esteem. On the other hand, they are also associated with a lack of confidence at certain times. Dreaming that you suddenly, for no particular reason, leave the house naked is the result of this. The same goes for dreams that your teeth are falling out.

5. Dreaming about natural disasters

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Storms, fires, intense gusts of wind that fell houses and trees. Why are we dreaming this? It’s a sign of fear. We may be very anxious or worried and feel vulnerable because of everything around us.

These natural disasters reflect everything that can give you fear in your life: work, personal problems, etc. This is perhaps the most worrisome type of dream, as it represents your most fragile and vulnerable state.

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