Why Is Dance Therapy So Good For You?

Anyone regardless of age can take dance therapy. It can help in relationships while ensuring good cardiovascular health. Find out here exactly why dance therapy is so beneficial.
Why is dance therapy so good for you?

Even before history began, dancing was a popular way to lose energy and relax. And guess what? Dance therapy is also one of the most pleasant forms of therapy out there. Here we explain why dance therapy is so good.

Everyone knows that dancing is considered body language. It makes you feel free. That goes for even the deepest parts of you. It frees your heart from sorrow and worry. So nothing is better than dancing. You can dance:

  • alone, at home for example.
  • in a group.
  • together with a special person.
  • in the disco.

Dance therapy is the use of dance for therapeutic purposes. It is a form of self-expression where you use the body. So dancing is a way to help you think about things.

At the same time, it also ensures good blood flow. You will notice the positive effects on both a physical and an emotional level.

Dancing is rhythmic movement in a very personal way. So it doesn’t have to be a planned routine or choreography. In fact, it includes all kinds of expressions related to self-expression:

  • theater
  • psychomotor skills
  • music therapy
  • and so forth

Best of all, there is no age limit for dancing. Children, teenagers and adults of all ages, as well as people with disabilities, can enjoy dance therapy.

What is dance therapy used for?

The use of dance therapy
  • Mental and physical health. There is a reason why dance therapy is so good and so successful. After all, it adapts to the individual rhythm and abilities of each person.
  • Psychomotor coordination. Dance therapy can be beneficial for people who have problems in this area. Dancing helps them to develop certain skills. It also teaches them to sense the beat.
  • Creativity and intelligence in children. Dancing teaches children to be aware of their own bodies and of their personal space.
  • Personal growth and emotional release. In adults, dance therapy can be made very individualized. In this way, everyone gets the benefits that he or she needs.
  • Vitality in older adults. Dancing makes you feel more positive about life. It is also very stimulating.
  • The memory. This is yet another benefit of dancing that is especially good for the elderly. Dancing promotes memory. At the same time, it also improves coordination and prevents falls.

Why is dance therapy so good for you?

Dance therapy is good for you

Here are some of the many benefits of dance therapy:

  • A better attitude.
  • Mental clarity.
  • Deeper breathing.
  • Faster physical and mental reflexes.
  • Suppleness, healthy joints and mobility.
  • Relieving stress.
  • Psychomotor development in children.
  • Resolving conflicts.
  • Better proprioception: This concerns your understanding of where your body is in space.

With the rhythmic movements and the pleasant auditory stimuli (the music), your brain creates new neural pathways. In addition, while dancing, you also experience positive emotional changes. Dance therapy can also help you end social phobias and feelings of isolation.

This form of therapy liberates your mind to such an extent that it even has consequences in the workplace. You should not forget that dancing stimulates initiative and innovation. These are two qualities that are highly valued in the professional world.


Dance therapy encourages the movement of positive energy. It clears your mind and helps you to live in a more balanced and healthy way.

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