You Can Relieve A Common Cold With 7 Foods

It often happens that we confuse a cold with the flu. That’s because of the similarity between their symptoms. But they are diseases caused by two completely different viruses. In this article we tell you how you can combat the symptoms of a cold.
You can relieve a common cold with 7 foods

Relieving a common cold is a fundamental necessity.  It is a viral disease that people often suffer from. It is very common in cold climates.

This viral disease is known to cause the following symptoms:

  • congestion of the nose
  • to sneeze
  • a sore throat
  • cough

What do I actually have?

We often confuse colds and the flu. That’s because they have similar symptoms. However, we must remember that they are two diseases caused by two completely different viruses.

  • Flu: A respiratory infection caused by influenza. The patient has a fever higher than 38°C. He also has muscle and joint pain.
  • Common cold:  a viral infection of the respiratory tract that can be caused by various viruses (Rinovirus, Parainfluenza, etc.). When an individual has a common cold, he has a runny nose, a dry cough, sneezing or sore throat.

Fighting the Symptoms of the Common Cold

It is recommended to eat natural food every day as it ensures a healthy body. But it is still important that we remember that we can also eat these foods to relieve the symptoms of the common cold

1. Ginger

Fighting a common cold with ginger

The American Medical Association has published a study on ginger. According to this study, experts recommend this plant the most for relieving symptoms of a cold.

You can soothe a common cold with a natural ginger infusion recipe. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • Ginger root (10 g)
  • water (250ml)
  • Lemon and honey (optional)

For the preparation you only need to cut the ginger into pieces. Then add a cup of boiling water and let it steep for five minutes. Once it’s done, strain the decoction. Then add the lemon juice. You can also sweeten it with a little bit of honey.

2. Garlic

Garlic is considered one of the most important home remedies. This is due to its natural antibacterial and expectorant properties. Constantly ingesting garlic will help reduce nasal congestion. It is also a remarkable aid for relieving colds.

3. Onion

Fighting a common cold with onions

We blame onions for our crying while cooking. But this vegetable contains nutrients that:

  • disinfect slime
  • soothe cough
  • relieve airway congestion

Eat an onion now and then or put half an onion on your night table so you can smell the scent. It will help you strengthen your immune system.

4 eggs

This food contains many vitamins and minerals such as zinc and selenium. It helps us to stay healthy and strong. The natural proteins in eggs are essential for building muscle mass. In addition, they ensure that our body’s defense mechanisms continue to work. At the same time, they can relieve the symptoms of the common cold.

5. Pumpkin

Fighting a common cold with pumpkin

We need to keep our defense mechanisms strong and prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body. That is why it is important to eat pumpkin.

Pumpkin contains a large amount of beta-carotene. This component converts vitamin A. Nutritionists and health professionals strongly recommend it for that reason. Because it helps to keep our immune system strong. That is thanks to its properties to prevent respiratory diseases. It also clears mucus from the throat, trachea, and lungs.

When we have a common cold, there is one piece of advice that is most often repeated. We should eat pumpkin soup because it strengthens our defense mechanisms. To make this soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • One diced pumpkin (250 g)
  • Chopped onion (1 onion)
  • Peeled garlic cloves (3 pieces)
  • water (2 l)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

First, cook all the vegetables in a pan over a low heat for 45 minutes. When they are soft, put them in a blender. Add another cup and a half of stock from the pan. Then process everything on medium speed for 5 minutes. Mix until you have a smooth, homogeneous texture.

6. Lemon

Lemon has medicinal properties and contains a large amount of vitamins. That is why lemons are very popular for treating colds. In fact, lemon is a powerful antibiotic that is both blood purifying and antibacterial.

Since lemons contain a large amount of vitamin C, they help to strengthen your defense mechanisms. This will help you avoid and combat the symptoms of illnesses and colds.

Want to relieve a common cold? Then we recommend combining the juice of half a lemon and a few teaspoons of honey in a cup of hot water. Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning as soon as you wake up. Keep doing this until the sore throat is gone.

7. Beans

Fighting a common cold with beans

The Institute of Agrifood Technology of Spain has published a study. According to this study, beans act like onions and garlic as a natural remedy for the flu. That’s thanks to their immune-boosting properties. These are some of the most popular varieties:

  • lentils
  • baked beans
  • Chickpeas

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